Monday, June 16, 2008

christi & sean engagement session...

I met up with Christi and Sean last week for their E-shoot down in Guilford. Our night started with drinks and appetizers at the Chowder Pot in Branford, then progressed to the Guilford Fairgrounds. After that we headed over to Jacob's Beach in Guilford for quite a bit. A huge thanks to Steve for giving me the lowdown on these two killer locations. We ended the night in Wallingford shooting against the wall in the last photo. I've been eyeing that location for months and Christi and Sean were up for it. I love how the colors and the angles in the photo really pop!!

Below are some of my favorites...

Also, stay tuned for a rather 'big' announcement later this week. I've been keeping this a secret but can't anymore. It's just too exciting!!!!!

1 comment:

STEVE DePINO said...

next work man... that last location is just killer!