Friday, June 15, 2007


Tonight I shot Marissa and Mark's pre-wedding shoot at Elizabeth Park in West Hartford. We had a great time; the scenery was exceptional and we shot for a good two hours.

Afterwards we returned to Wallingford to go over all the details for their wedding in two weeks. I got to meet with Marissa's parents again and have to say I'm a huge fan of her dad. After we had gotten all of the business out of the way, he asked me if I golfed. Naturally, I said yes and he proceeded to ask if I needed any golf balls....Their house is right next to hole 16 of the Wallingford Country Club and he said he picks up a ton of golf balls everyday. So I said I could always use some and after he disappeared for a good ten minutes, he came back with a HUGE box filled with golf balls!!! He then invited me to play hole 16 anytime I wanted!!

After that I took a walk out to hole 16 with Marissa and Mark and we climbed up this huge bridge and the three of us watched the sunset. The view was awesome!!!

I'm so blessed to constantly be meeting new people that I get to spend so much time with and become really close to.

Looking forward to their wedding...

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